While I’m trying to edit my events, opening with In Flagrante next week – I’ll have a breather with a quick catch up here.
Funnily enough I’ve recently experienced a new career pathway…teaching adult ballet…i.e. beginners and intermediate ballet to adults – mainly women. I’m really enjoying both the beginners and the intermediate level classes. I’ve never actually taught ballet to the public before…just in house so to speak. Am enjoying sharing my knowledge!
n Flagrante has been developed to a point where I’m now pretty pleased with the whole show. This next season at Q (21 – 30 May) will be great – to air the whole show as a fully realised concept!
In the meantime our daughter is having a baby in August – which has changed my focus somewhat!
But also have been invited to recreate my Giselle Act 2 (on another planet) ballet – so am working towards that now – with planning auditions in June and rehearsals through til August! The plan is to develop 25 minutes of it for this year’s Tempo in October – then hopefully the full length one hour for next year
6 Humid Nights at Q’s Vault